In this age of physical fitness & health, we have now become more health conscious due to the different impure things that have developed in this world. One age old problem that our society deals with on a constant basis is what we put in out bodies. I have said it many of times that "It is so expensive to eat right but so cheap to eat wrong!" Due to the fact that greed has been a issue, people would rather see there pockets get fat than sincerely help those who are in need of a change. The question that has been asked to me a number of times is "what should i eat?" or i hear the infamous, "maybe i should starve myself and eat nothing!" Please people do me a favor and eat, you can only increase the health risk by not eating & also gain weight. When you do not eat right or do not eat at all, your metabolism is slowed down. A slower metabolism means a slower way to break down the nutrients your body needs which in turns can cause obesity, a high rate of adipose (fat).
Now for the ones who question on what to eat and how to eat, here is a quick lesson on how to increase your metabolism and in turn become a healthier individual. Lets start off by explaining what to eat:
1. Eat every 3 hours but in small portions.
What this does is increase the metabolism
by giving a change of pace. Instead of trying
to break down a bunch of food at 1nce, in turn
your body reacts to the small meals and turns
the adipose(fat) that has been stored and burns
it as fuel instead of being stored. Remember,
its 3 small meals (Breakfast,Lunch, & Dinner)
and 2 snacks in between meals.
Now we move on to what to eat. This part can be a little shakey for folks due to the fact that there are so many things that are fast, easy, quick. Those words you should avoid when it comes to staying healthy & fit. Nothing happens over-night. You didnt become over-weight in a day so do not expect to lose weight it in a day.
2.Sugars, Fibers, Protein, Carbs (S.F.P.C)
When putting your grocery list, or trying
to Find what to eat on a daily basis.
Remember that acronym. Start off with
Natural sugars in your morning breakfast
such as fruit and even whole-grain cereals.
but be aware that too much sugar can cause
fat if there is no exercise. Fibers should be incor-
rated into your daily intake with things such
as fish & green foods (mixed vegetables are
my fav.) Protein is found in foods
such as fish, chicken breast, lean turkey &
even steak. You can even look to a protein shake
that can also serve as a meal replacement.
Last but not least is carbs. There is a big
misconception about carbs, and people
will tell you that too much carbs can lead
to fat but our body needs carbs to replenish
& repair our bodies when we sleep. That is
why we should eat carbs at night and after
our workout to refuel, renenergize, & replenish.
Eating healthy is a simple task that is only made difficult by ourselves. Challenge yourself to find new healthy things that are not only healthy but delicious. Try not to eat the same things and let your way of healthy eating become monotonous. Remember, the choices we make 2day, dictate the life we lead 2morrow. Your Health is in your hands!